Sometimes, you are emotionally unstable or after strenuous exercise, the lever of LH hormone in your urine will rise, which may exceed 10mIU; if you test with a 10mIU sensitivity product, you may get a false positive.
Our ovulation tests and pregnancy tests has a standard sensitivity of 25 mIU/ml which is the FDA recommended cut-off level. The accuracy detecting HCG/ LH above cut off is over 99% when used properly.
Remove the test device from the sealed pouch and use it as soon as possible
Start the timer and wait for the colored line(s) to appear.
Read results in five minutes.
Do not read results after more than 5 minutes.
2. Negative (No LH Surge): Only one color band appears on the control region, or the test band appears but is lighter than the control band.
3. Invalid: No visible band at all or there is a visible band only in the test region and not in the control region. Repeat with a new test kit.
Step 4 - Ttack Your Ovulation
The LH hormone will increase to its peak 24-36 hours before ovulation.
The process in which LH increases from low to peak is called the LH surge. How long the LH surge lasts can vary from woman to woman.