Allow the test device and urine specimen to equilibrate to room temperature 59-86ºF (15-30°C) before opening the foil pouch.
Remove the test device from the sealed pouch and use it as soon as possible.
Lay the strip down on a flat, non-absorbent, clean surface.
Start the timer and wait for the colored line(s) to appear.
Read results in five minutes.
Do not read results after more than 5 minutes.
*Negative(No LH Surge): Only one color band appears on the control region, or the test band appears but is lighter than the control band. This means no LH surge.
*Positive(LH Surge): If two color bands are visible, and the test band is equal to or darker than the next 24-48 hours.
*Invalid: If no band is visible, or there is a visible band only in the test region and not in the control region, the result is invalid.
Distinct color bands appear in the Control and Test Zones. It indicates that you are pregnant.
2.Negative (not pregnant):
Only one color band appears, in the Control Zone. No apparent band on the Test Zone. This indicates that no pregnancy has been detected.
No visible band at all, or there is a visible band only in the test region and not in the control region. Repeat with a new test kit.